मंगलवार, 31 जनवरी 2017

Math subject pe puri jankari in basic


सोमवार, 7 नवंबर 2016

Pravin Dhameja पर 10:56 pm
Differenation and basics
Hi Friends,
Today ,we are going to study about Differenation?
Now , I give you formula for differenation.
x = 1
Kx  =k. ,E.g 3x = 3
x2 = 2x
√x = 1/2√x
Logx = 1/x
Sin x = cosx
Cosx = -sinx
Trignomentry formula.
tanx = sinx/cosx. Cosx = secx/tanx
Sinx +Cosx = 1,
  3logx + sinx
Ans.  Diifeeniate with respect to s.
d/dx = 3logx +sinx
= 3× 1/x + cosx
= 3/ x +cosx
xsinx + √x
Ans Differeniate with respect to s.
d/dx = xsinx + √x
= 1× cosx + 1/2√x
= cosx + 1/2√x
Multiple rule
(x × logx)
differeniate with respect to x.
x d/dx logx + logx d/dx x
This is a differenation and basic
Ask me question this Email ID
Pravindhameja13@gmail. Com
