मंगलवार, 31 जनवरी 2017

History of world in English language


       History of world in English Language .
Today, we are going to gain in knowlegde .
Friends .
We are going to study about some countries Capitals.
Countries. Capitals
French. Paris
England. London
Nepal.  Katmandu
India. Delhi
Butan. Thimpu
Japan. Tokyo
Pakisthan. Islamabad
General knowlegde Questions of world .
🎵 Which is Country highest population in the world ?
Ans. China or (_चीन)
🎶Which is Country second highest population in the world ?
Ans. India (भारत)
🎤 Which is Country highest Economical in the world ?
Ans. America
🎼 Which is Country birth in Einstein ?
Ans. Jermany
🎹 Which is Country peoples more than Hen ?
Ans. England
🎻 Which is Country Tokyo Tower ?
Ans. Tokyo City. (Japan)
🎷 Which is Country in Taj Hotel ?
Ans. Mumbai(India)
〽Which is Country in Royal society in public limited .?
Ans. London
🎺 Which is Country in this company Hero ,Honda,L.G, and SamSung ?
Ans. Korea
📀Which is Country in sansui Company ?
Ans. Japan
🎹Which is Country in Reliance and TaTa Company ?
Ans. India
🎷 Which is Country give to India in Rokel plane ?
Ans. French
🎻 How many planes French give to India ?
Ans. 36 planes
🐱.  Which is Country in Washigton mall
Ans. America
🐩.  Which is Country highest building in the world ?
Ans. Newyork (America)
🐰 Which is Country Currency in pound ?
Ans. England
🐈Which is Country Currency in $ Dollar ?
Ans. America
🐶 Which are Countries Currency in Rupees ?
Ans. India ,pakisthan ,Bangladesh and nepal
🐀 Which Country and Management College top in the World ?
Ans. IMD College swizerland
🐔 How much Assets (sampathi) in America ?
Ans. 48000 Billions $ (Dollar)
🐣 How much Assets (sampathi) in India ?
Ans. 4500 Billions $(Dollar)
🐰 How many peoples in India ?
Ans. 125 Crores people in India
🐑 Which Acid present in human being ?
Ans. HCL(Hydrochloric acid)
🐐 Which is gas low wait in air ?
Ans. Helium
🐺 when was attack to Heroshima (japan) in atom bomb ?
Ans. 6 August 1945
🐣 when was attack to Nagashaki (japan) in atom bomb ?
Ans. 9 August. 1945
🐤 when day Freedom in India ?
Ans. 26. Janawary
🐢which day Celebrate in teachers day ?
Ans. 5 September
🐐 How many States in India ?
Ans. Twenty-nine states
🐢 Which City top in world 33 number ?
Ans. Mumbai (India)
🐐 which is the Company first top search engine inthe world ?
Ans. Google
🐆 Which is presedent in America 2015 ?
Ans. Barak obama
🐒 Which is the prime minister in India ?
Ans. Narendra modi
🐵 What is owner name in Ford Company ?
Ans. Henry Ford
🐨 Which. Year is open Parle -G. Company ?
Ans. 1928
🐪 Which year is open  Hindusthan Uniliver Company ?
Ans. 1933
🐘 What is the name of old atom bomb ?
Ans. Little boy
🐘. How many workers in TaTa Company ?
Ans. Six lakhs
🐳 Which Company loss on 2016 ?
🐧 Which is the First president in America ?
Ans. Jorg. Wasigton
🐨 Which is the president in India Now ?
Ans. Pranay Mukarji
🐪.  Which is the First prime minister in India ?
Ans. Pandit Jawarlal Nehru
🐵 Which City was born Dr Br. Ambedkar ?
Ans. Indore Madhya pradesh (India)
🐋 Which Fighter plane is used to America attack to atom bomb in japan ?
Ans. B Twenty Fighter plane
🐼Which Country Bourn in Newton ?
Ans. England
🐪. Which scientist Discover in Bulb ?
Ans. Thomas.  Adesin
🐧 Which Scientist is Father  of modern physics ?
Ans. Einstein
🐘Which Scientist. Is Father of Genetics. ?
Ans. Mendel
👗Where was born on Mahatma Gandhi ?
Ans. Porbandar. Gujarat. India
🐟 Whose scientist is Discover Gravitation ?
Ans. Newton
🐻 Which Country in Statue of labarity ?
Ans. America
🐘Which Cell part in  body power  house of Cell. ?
Ans. Mitochondria
🐼Which acid present in Vinger ?
Ans. Acetic Acid
🐧 Which Country Fighter in the world ?
Ans. England , and Jermany
This is A General Knowlegde Question in world .
🐒History of world 🐒and this is also history
For any Question please ask me this

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