मंगलवार, 31 जनवरी 2017

logarithmical rule in math


बुधवार, 2 नवंबर 2016
Pankaj Dhameja पर 10:52 pm
Logarithm rules and basic
🎎Some basic rules for logarithm.🎎
🐼E.g 21 = this is two numbers ,means 2 number after
Point . but Logarithm rules is 2 number subtract(-) 1
Means 1.---some value.
🐨Any kinds of numbers
234 = for logarithmic rule is 3 numbers -1 , means
2.  After log value _for log table book
🐆Consider value is 922 ,
922 = 2. 92 value check 2 number and that value is
9647 and this value 2. And that value is 2.9647
🐒E.g 5673 = for logarithmic rules 3.
And 56 value check to 7 and mean difference 3
Means 3.7536 and add mean differance value
And after that
🏇 Antilogarithm values.🐑
🚂 Consider value is 2.9647 and Antilogarithm value is
9204 and sum of mean difference value. Check to 7 number mean difference value is 15 and value is 9219
🚃Antilogarithm value is consider after point number search in logtable book.
And log table is work to calculator🐎
🚢And log table used to addition ,subtraction ,multipication,and dividation.and square ,square root_cube root and any roots and also find to trignomentry degrees.
🚛But some peoples lot of used to loharithm in multipication and dividation.
🐣I give you some Examples
× 67
🚣 For used to logarthmic table and find value.
   Logarithmic rule
 1.7482(therefore 56 to check 0)
🚤For remember multipication is used to +
And dividation is used to -
Addition is 1.7482
+. 1.8261
🚵  And value is 3.5743 this value to search antilogarithm table after point value search 3753 and rule is before point that number you should use that point.
Means,this logarithm value is 3 and value is
375.3 answer
🚶2 power3 :-
By using logarithm rule
🐏  For any quary please ask me .🐑
This Email ID
🐩 Pravindhameja13@gmail. Com 🐩
🎊 🐕🐶🐩🐈🐱🐹🐢🐇🐰🐓🐔🐣🐤🐥🐦🐏🐑🐐

