गुरुवार, 9 फ़रवरी 2017

Top Engineering college in nagpur city .(m.s/ नागपुर शहर के top Engineering colleges/नागपुर शहर मे top Engineering college कोनसे है ।)


मे , प्रवीन धामेजा . आज आप को नागपुर शहर के Top Engineering College  के बारे मे बताऊगा ।   Top 10 Engineering college in maharastra जाने /महाराष्ट्र के प्रसिद्ध दस काँलेज

Top Engineering college in Nagpur city (M.S)
जाने ?
नागपुर शहर के  top Engineering colleges
/नागपुर शहर मे top Engineering college  कोनसे है ।

1. Visvesvarya National Institute of technology
Ambazari road
Nits Institute
2. Ramdeo baba college of Engineering and Management
Katol road
Autonomes Institute

3. Raisoni college of Engineering
Higna road
Autonomes Institute

4. Yashwantro chavan college of Engineering
Autonomes Institute
Higna road

5.priyadarshini  college of Engineering
Top University
Higna road

6.kDK College of Engineering

ओर नागपुर शहर मे ५२college है ।

1 टिप्पणियाँ so far

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