मंगलवार, 21 मई 2019

CAT exam (Common Apitude/Admission Test) के syllabus के बारे मे जानिए


CAT  exam का फुलफारम  Common Aptitude Test होता हैं।
यह  exam computer based होती  है  यानी  online  होती  है।

    mba Enterance Exam syllabus                   
   CAT exam  का syllabus यह  हैं।

   Chapter name
  Logical reasoning

sub headings

1.Coding Decoding

2.cubes and Dice

3.Blood relation

4. Verification of Truth

5. Number of Letter Analogies

6. Number and letter series

7. Boolen logic

8. Logical  links

9. Making judgements

10. Logical Games

11. logic based problems

12 syllogism

13. Logical problems

14. sequencing and Arrangement

Chapter name ; 

sub  headings ; 

1. Line charts 

2. Introduction of Data Interpretation 

3. pie charts 

4. venn Diagrams 

5. Bar Graphs 

6. Column Graphs 

7. Tables and caselets 

8. Data sufficiency 

      Chapter name
    Verbal Ability 

sub headings 

1. vocabulory 

2. Antonyms 

3. synonyms 

4. critical Reasoning

5. Meaning usage Match 

6. Cloze passage 

7.Basic Grammer 

8. sentence correction

9. Analagies 

10. sentence completion 

11. paragraph jumbles 

12. Reading  comprehension 

Chapter name 
  quantitative  Aptitude

sub headings


2.Binomial theorem 

3. Inequlities 

4.Co-ordinate Geometry 

5. Percentages

6. Simple and compound Interest 

7. Averages 

8. Linear and Quadratic equation 

9.profit ,loss and Discounts 

10. Chain rule 

11.Problems on Ages

12. Calender and clock 

13. Progression
      Arithmatic progression 
     Geometric progression 
    and H.P 

14. Function 

15. LCM and HCF 

16. Mensuration

17. Problems on trains 

18. Time and work 

19. Boats and streams 

20. Trignomentry 

21. Races and Games 

22. Ratio and proportion 

23. Permutation and Combinaion 

24. Speed Time and Distance 

25. Pipes and Cisterns 

26. Probability 

27. SET Theory 

28. Mixture and Alligation 

29. Geometry 

30. Number system and number Theory
